Back-to-School Drive
This year we have an amazing opportunity to come alongside three local schools in Lincoln, CA. Our Nonprifit and HighRidge Church are teaming up to assist these three schools.These schools are Title 1 schools that have a combined 65 teachers and 1400 low-income students. So excited to see our community come together and support these schools! Right now we have received several backpacks and many items listed on our list. There is more to come, but I wanted to add this amazing drive to our blog!
The three schools are First St., Creekside Oaks, and Carlin C. Coppin!
We were able to donate for $1200 in schools supplies and over 100 backpacks. We also put a special gift to bless the teachers for their dedication to our next generation of leaders! This year the community came together to support these schools and it was such a blessing to see. Thank you to all those who donated and to Destiny Christian Church for donating some of the backpacks we received!
"In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive." Acts 20:35