Our Story


For The Kingdom Global Ministries Inc. was established in 2021 after God had given us a vision with one word, "go". The vision for our ministry is an extension of what the church in the book of Acts is built on - love, relationship, and discipleship. In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus said, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." This verse is known as The Great Commission and it's what all Christians are called to do. During this time, many people were coming to us with a desire to learn, but no one to teach them in a personal way. Some had never read the Bible and only attended church on Sunday because it was something they were raised to do. Others didn’t know what it meant to be saved, let alone what they were being saved from even though they had been attending church for years. We are focused on raising leaders and building relationships while teaching how to apply biblical aspects in people's lives. We dreamed of having the opportunity to minister and serve people in our local community and globally. So, we began to pray and God showed us how He wanted to use us to help build His church through His vision using our non-profit. We want to help others not just by giving, but by personally impacting people's lives and creating lifelong relationships with those we cross paths with. 


 Our mission at For The Kingdom Global Ministries Inc. is to meet the needs of those in our churches, local community, and globally by building relationships with people, equipping believers with Biblical knowledge, and giving to people in need. Our desire is to share the love of Christ through our ministry with the intention of sharing the Gospel and equipping believers with the necessary Biblical knowledge to go and do likewise.  We believe we accomplish this through our core fundamentals Discipleship, Deliverance, and Outreach. 

"But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." Matthew 5:33


 Everything we do is for the Kingdom of God and rooted in His love. We believe that in order to build God's kingdom and make disciples of all nations, it first starts with a relationship with one another. We seek to connect with everyone, believers, and non-believers both in and outside of the church. We've found many people who attend church don't know how to share the Gospel, understand the word of God, or how to answer difficult questions about their beliefs. This makes reading the Bible overwhelming and confusing for most people, let alone trying to share the Gospel when met with opposition. So we have built a ministry that not only wants to meet the physical needs of people but also spiritual. 


 In James 2:14-17, James describes that it's not enough for us as believers to just believe in Jesus Christ, but that our faith is exemplified by our works. He says that it's more than just praying for someone who is in need, but actually giving and fulfilling their needs. Jesus gives us a commandment in Matthew 25:31-46 that we should be giving and helping those who are struggling to have the bare necessities in life. Our outreach ministry is here to meet the needs of not only our local community but also globally. Through outreach events or personally helping individuals, we want to glorify God while helping fulfill the needs of others. We believe outreach is essential in sharing the Gospel and exemplifying God's word - to love our neighbors.  

Austin & Jennifer Howard

We met in Fall of 2012 during our first year at Sierra College and married in 2016. Our first son was born in 2021 after God had answered years of prayer and we are now expecting our second son here in early 2024. We love ministry and volunteering in our free time; especially, in our local churches. Recreationally, Austin loves to play golf and Jennifer loves working out and anything outdoors related. Both of us love to hike and spend time as a family doing ministry, traveling, and much more. When God gave us the vision for this nonprofit, we never anticipated all that God would do through our ministry. Since establishing, countless lives and families have been changed through this ministry and we are excited to see what God has in store for the years to come. God Bless!


 Our ministry is equipt to help people not only receive salvation, but also deliverance and healing. We know that because we live in a fallen world, we will experience inevitable hardships. James 5:13-16 tells us how we should seek the help of other believers to pray over us when we are struggling with difficult seasons in our lives. We want to point people to Jesus Christ who is our healer and helper who is always present in times of trouble and offers fellowship so you feel less alone in this season. We believe that prayer is a powerful weapon against the enemy and an important practice that we use to stay in communication with God. Our deliverance ministry was created so we can pray with people and lead them to Jesus Christ who heals and sets us free from the strongholds in our life.